I have had great luck at my favorite thrift store lately!
On my most recent trip I found this nice bag which I plan on converting into a camera bag with a camera bag insert, a garden book that I couldn't pass up, a SUPER cute teapot, a mini elephant figurine and some old spice cologne that Steven wanted.
I was so excited when I saw this teapot, it was 4 dollars! I'm not sure when I'll want such a small serving of tea though, maybe if I make it super strong? Haha.
I also got a laundry basket for 99 cents that I didn't take a picture of, but I grabbed it as soon as I saw it in the store. Has anyone else noticed how ridiculously expensive laundry baskets are?? The first one I bought was a cheap one from walmart which broke as soon as I brought it home. So I begrudgingly bought an expensive one, but then I lost the handle which revealed the thinnest plastic underneath, which promptly broke too -_- The one I got seems very sturdy and doesn't have those stupid handles so I'm pretty happy about it!
As I was about to check out, I looked down and spotted this camera in a box of junk! I immediately grabbed it and then realized it didn't have a price tag, which means they wouldn't sell it to me :( But the lady was really nice and said she would set it aside and call me as soon as it was priced. I waited for days and was beginning to think they had forgotten when I realized I had just missed a call on my phone saying they had priced it at 3.99! So we raced to the store and got it! I bet they thought I was nuts for coming to get it so fast because they probably thought it was just a toy, haha. It's a remake of the original Diana cameras that were made in the 60's, but it's still a great deal because these retail at around 50-60 dollars. I recognized it from a book I picked up in Pittsburgh about toy cameras, I'm so glad I bought that book otherwise I may have walked right past it!
It actually still has film in it, (which I may or may not have accidentally overexposed :/ ) but I'm going to use up the rest of that roll and see how it turns out.