We took the cats outside on a leash.. I've taken Cloud out quite a few times but they boys always seem to have issues. The one time I took Jeeves out he was so scared he tried to climb the side of the house to get back in, and Chester broke out of his collar and ran straight for the interstate! But I decided to give it another try.
I kept Jeeves on the porch and he did much better, but he didn't think he could walk with the harness on.
But he eventually figured it out!
"How did you get out there?!"
Chester didn't have any problem with the harness, in fact, he walked right down the porch steps..
And down the front path...
And then onto the sidewalk!
And it was only a little embarrassing when a neighbor walked by.
All of a sudden Chester freaked out! I think he suddenly realized that he wasn't just in another room and that the world was actually huge. He started flipping out and we had to hold onto him tight to calm him down and bring him back inside where he sat and had this crazy expression for a while.
Cloud of course, is a pro at the leash. Every time I get near the back door she whines to go out.
This time she was really interested in my vegetable garden.
Overall I think they enjoyed being outside. I also took some silly videos of them, maybe one day I'll post it!